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Sometimes Mom Just Needs 5 Minutes to Herself

How I've come to miss a little privacy in the bathroom.

Crochet Rose Chain Bracelet

A simple yet beautiful crochet bracelet - free instructions.

Kiwi Crate Review

Check out our review of "Around the World" and get $10 toward your first Kiwi Crate.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mom Wants 5 Minutes To Herself? No Way.

I remember the days of being able to shower without interruption. I had the choice to run the hot water completely from the tank if I wanted to! After kids, no more standing under the spray until my skin was pruned. With each child, the length of time I spent in the actual bathroom (let alone the shower) was lessened greatly.

As a mother of three with seven and a half years of practice under my belt. I can now hop in, wash my hair, face, and body in 3.5 minutes flat. I think I've earned some kind of water conservationist gold star.

And today was like all the other days, except I should have showered yesterday (but we all know how that goes when you have children).

I set the kids at the table with their frosted shredded mini wheats and orange juice. With my record, I knew I could be in and out of the bathroom before they even finished eating.

Sixty seconds in, I had WEN in my hair, soap on my body, and had just slapped some Neutrogena on my face when I heard E-Man on the other side of the curtain.

"Mooooommmmm?" he said, worriedly.

Squinting, I popped my soap bubbled face around the shower curtain, "Yes?"

"Ummm welll......Mr Sunshine broke a glass."


"Anyone bleeding?" I asked. Trying to determine if I had to run wet and soapy through the house or of I had time to at least rinse before assessing the situation.

"No, everyone's okay, Mom. Mr Sunshine was just banging his juice glass on his cereal bowl and it broke everywhere."

As I'm speed rinsing I say, "Define everywhere. Is it all over his hand? In his seat?"

"No, it's on the table and on the floor. Everyone's waiting for you in the living room. I'll keep them out of the kitchen."

And E-Man left the bathroom.

Quickly, I rinsed, dried, and threw on some clothing. I jetted out to the kitchen and the mess wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined. No injuries or tiny shards everywhere. I collected the large pieces and wiped the table. I swept the floor and vacuumed the carpet. I disposed of it all carefully and double checked the kids' feet.

And then contemplated a LONG hot shower.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Geneaology: How Do You Find Your Ancestors When You Don't Know Who You're Looking For?

me on the right, with my not-biologically-related cousins

In grade school, I was the kid with the pretend family tree. Sort of.

I would get stressed when the teacher handed out those cute little worksheets with a tree and branches and ask her students to begin entering the names of family members. I'd start with my name in the middle. Then I'd put my mom's name on the appropriate branch. Then the stress would start. I had a loving like-a-dad-step-dad but obviously the tree wanted my biological father, whom I liked to keep secret from others. I was young but old enough to realize I didn't want to talk about the father I was court ordered to visit every other weekend.

Deep sigh. I put my step dad on the "father" branch, even though he wasn't a "real" relation.

Siblings. Double sigh. More stress. I had a half sister from my mother and step-father's marriage and four half siblings from my biological father and step-mother's marriage. I loved all my siblings but if I put more than my one half sister on the sheet, then I'd have to explain where the other siblings came from. I put my one half sister on the branch. I felt like a jerk and a traitor.

Then I'd think, "okay, the next part can't be too hard," but I'd be wrong.

Paternal grandparents, crap. Well, feed the lie, I guess. I entered in my step-dad's parents' names. Because honestly, if I were to have put my biological father then I'd have to leave the paternal grandfather line blank because good ol' dad was the product of an affair, a bastard child.

I looked around. Most kids were finished with their trees and drawing little doodles with their Crayola crayons. Electric yellow suns, cornflower blue skies, and carnation pink flowers framed their picture perfect families.

Maternal grandparents. Well shit, throw in the towel. At this point I pretty much crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the trash. Well not really, because I was a kid who aimed to please adults so I probably just wrote in some names just to be done with it.

I think every grade school class required this family tree exercise and I hated it.

My mother was adopted and even though I fudged a bit with the biological father branch, I was mentally unable, unwilling to write down my grandparents names, her adoptive parents names. Don't get me wrong, I love my grandparents, they have since been like a second set of parents to me my entire life, but to write their names on this line felt like a lie.

And there it began with the crayon in my seven year old hand. My obsession with finding the truth.

Over the next twenty plus years, I asked my mother a lot of questions. Mostly, I knew she didn't know the answers as she was in the dark just as much as I, but I really hoped she'd want to know the answers. Unfortunately, I was wrong. My mother was happy to not know.

There were a few times I bluntly asked my grandparents but was met with vague responses. They claimed not to know too much, but I noticed, as I grew older, their recollections were a bit more defined. According to them, in 1964 a friend, a nun by the name of Sister Seraphina, contacted them, telling them about a new baby in need of a home. The mother already had three daughters and could not raise this baby. My grandmother said that my mother's father was not in the picture. (Whether the baby was the result of a deadbeat dad or a May-December romance, I may never know.) My grandparents met with an attorney, did the adoption, and took my mother home from the hospital when she was three days old.

My grandfather has often said that as my mother ages she looks like her own mother. Grandpa said he got a really good look at my biological grandmother through the hospital door as she held my mother for the last time. My grandmother has always claimed there was a note from the birth mother. For years, I asked her to show it to me, hoping there would be a shred of evidence of who this woman is. My grandmother hushed me by saying it was boxed up somewhere and someday she'd go looking for it. Last fall, Grandma finally showed it to me. Turns out it was kept in her prayer book in her dresser the entire time. I think she finally realized just how far I was going to go to pursue my ancestry. I read the letter with disappointment. It was a generalized letter telling the adoptive parents how grateful and hopeful she was that her daughter would be raised in a good family. It held words of encouragement for my grandparents but all I read was another dead end.

Now that I am the mother of my own three children, my desire to find my history has exponentially deepened. For the last ten years I have been on the internet, leaving posts on adoption message boards and signing up for reunion registries. It hasn't done me much good without even a name to research. A few years ago, I began searching on I started by creating my husband's tree so at least my children would have the history of their paternal lineage. However, my mother's side, wildly blank, has been gnawing at me, as was my longing to know where I come from. A couple months ago, I ordered's DNA kit. I thought it would be a long shot to find a relative but if anything I could find my ancestors' origins.

The DNA kit cost me $99 plus shipping. It was sent out and I received it about a week later. All it took was me spitting in a plastic container and sending it back. Once Ancestry received my saliva, they told me it could take up to 6 weeks to receive my results. I tried to put it to the back of my mind and go about my daily schedule.

Three weeks later my husband and I were in Seattle, getting ready to head back to Spokane. It was five in the morning and while he was packing up our car, I checked my email.

My results were in.

I was ecstatic. I held my breath. The room could have caught on fire and I would have been oblivious. I was on a mission.

I went to the site. The first thing I was given was my ethnicity estimate.

I really would have guessed I were more western European and I was really surprised to see the 2% Native American.

Next I received a list of my DNA matches.

I had twenty-six 4th cousin matches, matched with a 95-96% confidence. WOW. I emailed all of them and heard back from a few. I was able to examine most of their trees. The good news was that none of their trees, and I mean NONE, had any matching relatives to the ones I already knew about on my biological father's side. The bad news is that since I have no idea who I am looking for, these people could match to me on either side and it could go back as far as 10 generations - making my search for my mother's birth family that much harder. It was still a start. However, the best news came the next day. I woke up that morning and opened my email and I had a new match.

This match was a second cousin match with a confidence of 99%. Oh my stars. 99%! Second cousin? I emailed her pronto. It turns out she was also adopted yet it was an open adoption and she knows her birth mom but not her birth father. She's my age so likely it means that one of her parents is cousins with one of my parents. Which side, I do not know but I am really excited to find out.

As this journey progresses, I will update my blog with my findings but will respect the privacy of the living relatives. If you're interested, keep an eye out or visit my blog's Facebook page to stay connected.

UPDATE: As I was ready to post this blog, I received a Facebook message from my second cousin's birth mother.... Let the history fact finding mission begin!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Spring/Summer Bucket List: Area Parks and Playgrounds

It's all about perspective when the kids are home from spring break. They go stir crazy if they don't have some variety. I am not one to schedule their every waking minute; I don't believe in overstimulating kids. Instead, I give them ample free play but plenty of options for other activities if they so choose. I am not a cruise director despite how much my Pinterest board pressures me. However, I do recognize when the kids are about to throttle each other and that's why I love the idea my oldest suggested.

E-man presented an idea to construct a bucket list of the parks and playgrounds in our town and surrounding areas. So we opened up Google Maps and made a list of all of the parks we could visit. We decided to make the goal to visit as many of these by the end of summer.

Over spring break we were able to visit 4 of the parks on the list. All of them we'd been to before but now we're crossing them off and making it all official and stuff ;) We packed picnic lunches and even my sister and my niece met up with us for a day of fun.

I have to admit, it's a pretty great idea and I am proud of E-Man for thinking it up. It also gives me an outlet to get out of the house with the kids at a moment's notice while turning it into an adventure.

Our list stands at 4/92 parks visited. I wonder if we will be able to cross them all off in the next four months?

*even though we may have visited several of these parks within the last few years, we are only counting visits beginning April 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Review: February Kiwi Crate "Around the World" Part Two

I had to break our Kiwi Crate Review into two posts because we spent too much time on the second project, I forgot to take pictures of the kids playing with it! It's not that the second activity took so long because it was hard or difficult, it was because the kids kept playing the game over and over and over. They LOVED it.

If you didn't see my first Kiwi Crate review post, I'll give you a little refresher

We opened the box and it came with two activities. We did the World Flags first and you can read the review of that post here.

The second activity was the World Map game. It came with a deck of cards and playing pieces. First Bear (with a little help from Mr Sunshine) punched out all the world landmarks and then added a piece of sticky foam and placed them on the map. Next he put together the game pieces and punched out the red circles. The game came with a bingo style card. The object was to use the deck of cards to visit the different continents and landmarks. It was quite fun! The map is now hanging on the boys' wall and they can play whenever the mood strikes.

Our overall grade for Kiwi Crate is: A+

Bear is a hard kid to impress and he has asked to continue receiving crates. I am an excited mom because I love spending time with him but I also love that he can do these crafts almost entirely on his own, it helps him to feel capable and independent.

If you're interested in trying Kiwi Crate, you can use my referral link and get $10 off your first box.

*note - we were not compensated for our review of Kiwi Crate. We're just a family exploring our crafting options

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Etsy Best Bets: Mother's Day Gifts

Mother's Day will be upon us soon (Sunday, May 11th, 2014 for those not in the know). It's the day where you get to show Mom just exactly how much you appreciate and love her. Mostly, you could do that through actions and words but a little gift doesn't hurt to sweeten the pot. ;)  

I've combed through some of my favorite Etsy items to bring you a gift list for the Mom in your life. Whether she's a book lover, a fitness guru, the outdoorsy type, etc, there is a gift on this list for your mom. 

And if all else fails, there's always an Etsy gift certificate, right?

For the Book Lover

What bibliophile doesn't love the smell of books? Treat mom to a relaxing afternoon and pair this soy candle with a novel by her favorite author

Help mom keep her favorite photo or treasure close to home in this sweet book locket. Bonus, mom doesn't have to choose which child is her favorite, all three lockets open!

Give mom this made to order Kindle Case along with an e-book gift card and you have the perfect present! Mom has an iPad or other tablet? Visit nimoo's Etsy store for more case options!

For the Gardener

Bring the outside in with this beautiful hanging planter. Mom will appreciate its beauty! Not ready to spend $134 but love the look? Check out less expensive options in SucculentWonderland's Etsy store. 

Help mom remember where she planted her favorite herbs with these handmade garden markers. Set in non toxic glaze and available in 19 different colors, including a naturals palette, mom is sure to have the brightest garden on the block!

Give mom's garden a jump start with a package of six different organic heirloom seeds. Then enjoy the fruits of your gift all summer long! Leave a note to the seller letting them know which seeds you'd like :)

For the Foodie

Have you ever seen candy so detailed and intricate? Mom is sure to love a bowlful of these beauties and may even display them for guests. Be the favorite child and scoop these up!

What mom doesn't love curling up with a bowlful of noodles? This set is made to order so be sure to get your purchase in ahead of time. 

If your mom is a whiz in the kitchen she'll love this apron designed for minimalists. Let her look the professional chef part and maybe she'll serve you up a treat!

For the Jewelry Lover

Make this a group gift and give mom a lifetime of memories. Spouse initials in the center and each child's on separate discs around the chain. Visit the shoppe for more variations.

Give the gift of love with a hand embroidered cuff bracelet. Mom will think of you each time she wears it! 

This adjustable ring is made from copper and then hand dipped into enamel for a one of a kind look. 

                                                         For the Fitness Guru

It would be hard to be sedentary at Mom's house with these pillows around. Let Mom know her reminders for you to eat more veggies haven't fallen on deaf ears. 

Does your Mom practice yoga? If so, she'll adore these organic leggings with henna print design. 

Your marathon running mom will love this tiny hand stamped bar necklace that displays her achievement!

For the Lover of All Things Geekery

Satisfy your mom's love of vintage along with her techie side by buying her a new charging station. It's sleek, attractive, and all out perfect for the mom with all the fancy electronics. 

Does Mom use her Mac all the time? Give her a new perspective by snagging this wood keyboard skin.

It's a fox wearing glasses made from laser cut wood and on a brass chain. How much cooler can you be?

For the Outdoor Enthusiast

Spring still has its chilly moments but this hoodie will keep mom fashionably cozy plus its perfect for afternoon strolls and hikes.

After spending all day at the park/beach/barbeque/pool etc, Mom can get some sun relief with this Soothing After Sun Mist. Made with organic lavender infused witch hazel, pure aloe vera, and vitamin E, this spray should be stored in the fridge for ultimate cool relief. 

For the days Mom can't make it outside, this bird's nest photo will keep her soul connected to nature.

For the Zen Mamma

This adjustable ring is sure to bring a pop of color to your Mamma's day!

Who says simplicity can't be beautiful? 

Early mornings, late evening, heck any time is great for a warm cup of love. Give Mom's mood a boost with this gorgeous mug cozy and pair it with her favorite tea or coffee.

For the Artistic Mom

For the creative moms who want to spread their fiber arts wings, this needle felting acorn kit is sure to please. It's the perfect introduction to needle felting and Mom just might gain a new hobby.

When Mom needs inspiration, this art print from Kate Zaremba is the perfect solution. Hang it where mom does her best creative work.

Whether Mom is a budding scrapbooker or a seasoned veteran, this scrapbooking kit from MyScrapCabinShop breathes new life into paper arts. 

For the Vegan

Get out of town! Is this not the coolest Vegan Cookbook ever? It's out of print so copies are limited. Mom will LOVE this one of a kind gift to share for years to come. 

There are several varieties of this Vegan Raw Chocolate available but you can't get more simplistic than a bar called "Nude." Buy one or several, and you'll make Mom feel like royalty. 

After a long day, give mom the gift of relaxation with this Coconut Milk Bath made with lavender, chamomile, rose petals and essential oils. 

For the New Mom

The Vintage Honey Shop has several prints available for their teething necklaces but grey and yellow is just so classic, any new mom will be over the moon. 

Give a new mom a break with a fashionable diaper bag. No more carrying a diaper bag and a purse since mom has her hands full enough as it is!

Splurge for a beautiful bouquet of flowers and place them in this Mother and Baby Bird Vase to to create the perfect first mother's day for a new mom.

For Any Mom

This wallet is hand embroidered and made to order. The seller is even willing to customize the colors. Bonus, it's 25% off through April!

The perfect cup of coffee or tea deserves the perfect mug and this Winter Landscape by paperclaystudio fits the billing. Available for a limited time and made to order, it's sure to be a unique gift

Can't find mom the perfect gift? How about your handwriting engraved on a bracelet? Tell mom exactly how you feel in a few short words and she'll always have your love letter where she can read it. 

What category did I miss? Feel free to comment or link up to some of YOUR favorite Etsy items or items on your wishlist!

*all photos are copyright of the store owners