Here's our May report card :)
1. Bambino Buddy Ball started. E-man is in his third year and it's Bear's first. Bambino Buddy Ball is an amazing program for kids ages 5-20 who have disabilities that prevent them from playing on a typical baseball team. Our family really enjoys the Buddy Ball league, the coaches, and players and families.
2. My pre-ordered copy of The Honest Toddler finally arrived! I'm a big fan of Bunmi Latidan and her thoughts on parenting. If you're humble and secure in your own parenting, read this article featured on Huffington Post about how children are capable of having magical childhoods without a cruise director.
3 1/2 . And then I made one for myself (while trying to add inventory to my soon to be opening Etsy store).
4. Our kids' school had their annual carnival and fun was had with balloon swords, photo booths, games, and cake walks....
5. ...and where I thought I was sneaky by taking some across-the-room-shots of my husband as he waited in line with the kids for the balloon artist. (He was not impressed, lol).
6. We put together a Box of Sunshine for a sweet little gal in our family :)
7. The boys gathered their piggy bank funds and asked to go garage sale-ing one Saturday morning. They came home with some a peter pan doll, a squirt gun, a Stuart Little book, dvds, a game, and a Mr Potato Head set and only paid $1.85. I think they've picked up on bargain shopping from their mother ;)
8. Our Kiwi Crate (affiliate link) arrived and fun ensued! This month was about flight and the boys created kites and rockets!
9. We swam in the pool three times in May! There was some great weather going on up in here in the Pacific Northwest and we took advantage of those hot days.
10. On Memorial Day, along with the boys' great grandma June, we visited the resting places of our loved ones.
How was your May? I'm ready for summer!