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Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 2: The Snot Monster

Mr Sunshine, full of sickies and ready to share

Last Saturday I felt the tickle in the back of my throat.

Oh no. This can't be happening.

I should have seen it coming though since E-Man and Bear were just getting over a cold.

But I was so careful, I washed my hands, I washed THEIR hands...

E-Man and Hubs at the hockey game

Alas, it was unavoidable. The sickies were coming. I tried to ignore them. We took the boys to their first hockey game that night and Bear and I shoveled cough drops into our mouths the entire evening.

Sunday morning it all started going downhill for me. By Tuesday I had a full blown cold. I sent my husband out for Sudafed (you know the kind, they keep it behind the pharmacy counter because it's made with special components).

Kids will be kids, even when Mom has a cold

I also fell off track with my food. For a couple days, all my body wanted was fluids and the next couple days it wanted comfort food. I gave in. While I didn't over indulge or go crazy with calories or anything, I also didn't eat much of the good-for-you food that I should have. Exercise was non existent unless you count the three hours on Saturday I helped my sister move her belongings into her new place (countless trips with heavy furniture up three flights of stairs). Okay, you pulled my arm, I'll count it.

In finality, I took the week off from focusing on getting healthy so I could get healthy. Yes, that made sense when I wrote it, not so much when I say it outloud. But you know what I mean. As I type this blog, I am sitting in bed, still have a box of Puffs plus with Lotion at my side, and pretending I don't have mom guilt for the unfulfilled requests of playtime from my kiddos the last two days.

Weight loss this week:

This brings the total weight loss to 10 pounds.

Did I meet my week two mini goals? Not entirely. I didn't even calculate my water intake this week but I am going to have to say I probably didn't get 48oz everyday. At least I got my exercise in last weekend. Would that count as cardio or weight lifting? ;)

Mini goals this week: Still sticking with the original water goal. I am bound to get it down this week. I am adding 30 min of exercise to a total of 3 hours this week.

Next week's post will surely have more to report. This week is in the books.


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